We are writing to provide important logistic information for ECCB2024. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen structural problems that have occurred in the Aula Magna Santa Lucia, this room is no longer usable for plenary sessions. The safety and comfort of our participants remain our outmost priority, and we have found the Belmeloro buildings as final location.

The Belmeloro Complex, also owned by the University of Bologna is located 15 minutes’ walk from Santa Lucia. All sessions and plenaries from Tuesday to Friday will take place there. The complex is newly built, and all classrooms are equipped with air conditioning (which is not a trivial provision in Bologna in June!).

At the nearby Zoology Museum, attendees will have the opportunity to present their posters amidst the stunning array of diverse animal exhibits. Additionally, the registration desk, childcare facilities, and sponsor booths will be conveniently situated within this venue.

The opening ceremony, scheduled for Monday, will unfold at the esteemed Arena Del Sole theater, serving as an elegant backdrop for both the opening ceremony and the welcoming cocktail reception held within its picturesque cloisters.

While our scientific committee has been diligently working to finalize the program, the building change has necessitated adjustments to the schedule and logistics. We’re taking every measure to ensure that the program accurately reflects the new buildings’ layout and facilities, as well as any updates to session timings or arrangements. We understand the importance of having the program available in advance to help you plan your participation effectively. Please don’t worry- we’re prioritizing the swift finalization of the program and aim to publish it as soon.
Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We can’t wait to welcome you to Bologna!

The Local Organizing Committee of ECCB2024

For more information on the new venues, please click on the button below and you will be redirected to the following page

Share this news with any colleagues or partners who might be interested in participating in ECCB 2024!